Reglaments and rules
1. Regulations of the technical support service
1.1 Application processing procedure:
1.1.1 Technical customer support is provided only on the basis of a request through billing (ticket system);
1.1.2 Applications through other channels (Telegram or Web chat) are not official and have only an advisory nature;
1.1.3 Applications are processed in the order in which they are received by the relevant department;
1.1.4 The response time depends on the complexity of the problem and the department's workload.
1.2 The responsibilities of the technical support service include solving the following tasks:
1.2.1 Installation of the service and its provision to the customer within 1-24 hours, after receipt of the order and payment;
1.2.2 Basic administration (Initial installation of the service, control panel and standard control panel modules);
1.2.3 Respond to problems of inoperability of hosting services and their priority solution;
1.2.4 Provide necessary information regarding services;
1.2.5 Temporarily block accounts for violating hosting rules;
1.2.6 Notify clients about planned technical work on servers.
1.3 The responsibilities of the technical support service do not include solving the following tasks:
1.3.1 Consult on issues of programming, full administration, web design, settings of client scripts and programs;
1.3.2 Carry out system settings on the server or on the client's computer, as well as conduct training in working with the computer, programs and services provided;
1.3.3 Perform operations for the client that the client can do independently through the hosting control panel;
1.3.4 Answer questions that do not carry a meaningful load and are not related to the services;
1.3.5 Provide technical support to non-customers.
The support service reserves the right not to provide support and assistance to users who use profanity when communicating with the support service, insults directed at an employee or the company.
2. A brief regulation of the forbidden
2.1 Placing prohibited material on servers;
2.2 Violation of the server or any objects on the Internet;
2.3 Creating a load on the server processor from one account more than specified in your tariff;
2.4 Posting resources that violate the laws of the country where the servers are located;
3. Complaints, Complaint Response and Settlement.
3.1 After reporting a complaint (abuse), the client undertakes to take measures within 24 hours and report on the measures taken, otherwise the provision of services may be stopped.