About us

HideHost.net - hosting provider was founded in 2012. Our main customers are small and medium-sized businesses that need quality, reliable and proven services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without interruptions. We offer our customers virtual and physical servers, as well as individual solutions based on equipment that we own, in several independent data centers, including our own data center.

Our task is to provide the client with high-quality services and good 24/7 service. We don't buy reviews, our customers will always recommend us to their friends.

Our technical equipment is built exclusively on high-quality brands such as Juniper, CISCO, Extreme Networks, HP, DELL, etc. Our equipment has N+1 redundancy for electricity, internet connection and climate system.

Payment methods

We accept the following types of payment:
- Binance Pay (Cryptocurrency)
- Cryptomus (Cryptocurrency)
- Webmoney (WMZ and Cryptocurrency)
- WayForPay (Visa and MasterCard)
- Monobank (Visa and Mastercard)
- Interkassa (Visa, Mastercard and Cryptocurrency)
- Paypal

We operate within the jurisdiction of the European Union and comply with the laws of all countries where our equipment is located. HideHost.net operates officially and pays taxes.